Month #11 - AS OF September 28th, 2008

Prints Sold: 1905

Total Raised: $2680

Total Participants: 108

Farthest Degree of Separation: 3

Top Selling Print: #13 - View From The Pit, 47 sold

Farthest Distance: Sedgwick, Maine

Note: These figures are based on 4x6 prints purchased, and do not reflect responses by email alone.


To all of you who have participated so far...thank you so much!  I have been surprised, touched, moved to tears, and even laughed out loud by both your emails and letters accompanying your orders! The stories of how we are connected and how each of you learned about the project are very important to me, so keep sending them!  I look forward to updating you as this journey unfolds. From the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU!   ---Melanie bess


November 5, 2007

First Email

Date: October 28th, 2007

1st degree of separation - Let me start by saying that Melanie Bess is my sister. I am so excited for her and this project. It has been fun to watch Melanie grow as a photographer and chase down her dreams whether it was leaving home, traveling the world, or going to photography school to pursue her dream career. Too many times we let obstacles get in the way of our dreams and Melanie is not one to let that stop her. I hope that you will find her story as inspiring as her work. I have, of course, ordered one of each print. Each one speaks volumes - again the old adage - a picture is worth a thousand words. Some of the 30 images are places I recognize, all are gorgeous compositions, some are new images I haven't seen before but touch me just the same. I have always been envious of the artist talent and eye that Melanie possesses. My hope for each of you that I send this to is that you will be touched and inspired by one or more of the images, that you will be motivated by a story of dream chasing, and that you will participate in what could be a life changing project and a fantastic testament of human connection. I will say no more as I want you to get to the good stuff. Please read on and read all of what is to follow! I guarantee that it is worth it! Best of luck Melanie! I believe in you as always!

DaNel Huggins - 1st Degree
Meridian, Idaho

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off Hi Mell!!! I can't believe this is your beautiful work. I have known you since high school and you have always been amazing. You and the girls were always great friends to me. I miss hearing you all call me by my nickname. Where ever you came up with it I will never no. I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been? We must keep in touch. I hope that everyone who see's your work and reads your words gets an understanding of who you are. How wonderful of a person you are. Your kindness is so pure and unimaginable. The distance you go for those around you is amazing. So now its our turn to go the distance for you. Keep up the great work and I will be puchasing some of your work soon. Miss ya and keep in touch. I should retract my earlier statement. I can beleive this is your work. Thats how great you are.