Month #11 - AS OF September 28th, 2008

Prints Sold: 1905

Total Raised: $2680

Total Participants: 108

Farthest Degree of Separation: 3

Top Selling Print: #13 - View From The Pit, 47 sold

Farthest Distance: Sedgwick, Maine

Note: These figures are based on 4x6 prints purchased, and do not reflect responses by email alone.


To all of you who have participated so far...thank you so much!  I have been surprised, touched, moved to tears, and even laughed out loud by both your emails and letters accompanying your orders! The stories of how we are connected and how each of you learned about the project are very important to me, so keep sending them!  I look forward to updating you as this journey unfolds. From the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU!   ---Melanie bess


March 16, 2008

Santa Barbara Print Show

What would a trip back to Santa Barbara be without finding a place to host my 2nd print show? It all managed to come together, and I am very happy to report--a huge success, not only in print sales, but in simply being a great time of catching up with friends and their smiles!  Thank you to everyone who came,  and who continues to believe in the passion behind my project! Just thought I would share a few of the images from opening night!

View from the middle of Anacapa Street.  Welcome to Coffee Cat and the project's 2nd print show.  Special thanks to owners Jason and Krista for their support!

A view from the inside of Coffee Cat and one section of the 120 images that were displayed.

Fellow photographers and dear friends, Joni and Daniel!  We all met because of our connection to Door 9 Studios.

I loved how the prints looked on the bright, red walls!

Katie and I - she came up from San Diego for the show and much needed girl time!  Katie was the assistant manager at the first Starbucks I worked at in San Diego.  We have been good friends ever since!

The prints were hung on any and all available wall space!

Mike and Erica - dear friends and supporters!

The Tisdale Kids - 3 of my favorite faces in Santa Barbara.  These are the wonderful and amazing souls I lived with and part-time nannied for.  Its hard not smiling when they are around!  I adore them!

Inside Coffee Cat - the sign and the ceiling. Cool place!

My Girls!  Katie, Carrie, Kelly and I celebrating life at Zaytoons! Wanted to share this image taken the night before the show.  These 3 helped me put the SB show together and hang it on opening day!  I so appreciate each one of them!!  I am blessed with amazing girlfriends!

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